2000 years of Chinese cooking meets todays film making needs.
All Proceeds
Go To Charity!!!
IN LATE 2017
the CamWok 2000 (now known as the CamWok Classic) was introduced and became an instant hit. Right out of the box, operators saw the potential for quick and easy low angle shots that didn't require a rebuild of the dolly but allowed them to frame images with a great deal of accuracy.

"I've worked on a handheld show for three seasons and I knew I needed a CamWok as soon as I saw it. We do a lot of low angle establishing and action shots and the CamWok made them fast and simple, while keeping a lot of the handheld feel our DP was looking for (the frenetic feel can obviously be dialed down or eliminated if desired). It really simplifies things and makes shooting low angle shots quick and simple, with very little support needed from the grip department other than an apple box to sit on. It's the best bang for a buck product out there, and should be an essential part of every operators kit." - Operator Brooks Robinson

After listening to operator feedback we designed the CamWok 3000. A simple half arc design, it allowed for the same ease of operation, but with a narrower profile and no third axis. Then, after a heavy night of partying following the shareholders meeting in Monaco, one of our electrical engineers had a brilliant idea - why not combine the two and have the best of both worlds. And thus, the CamWok 5000 was born (CamWok 2000 + CamWok 3000 = CamWok 5000).
The rest, as they say, is the future.
"Um, yeah, I guess it seems sort of cool. How did you get this number again?" - Seriously Famous Oscar Nominated
Cinematographer Who You've Totally Heard Of

Think it can't get any better? Well hold on to your hats, there's more. All CamWok proceeds go directly to charity to help fight homelessness and curb deforestation around the globe, so you'll not only be upping your game and impressing your friends, you'll be doing some good at the same time! How cool is that?
So order today and become part of CamWok Nation, you'll be glad you did.